360 panoramas stitching service
You shoots, me stitch.
Outsourcing stitching 360 panoramic images starting from 50 panoramas and from 1 USD per panorama with HDR.
For example:
- you shoots 12 images per one 360 panorama with HDR.
- you have sources files for 50 panoramas
- you sent me GDrive link to archive with 50*12 = 600 (with HDR) or 50*4 = 200 (without HDR) sources images
I will
- HDR every 3 source images (default method with enfuse will be used)
- then stitch every 4 images into 360 panorama
- send you GDrive link to panoramas (ptgui projects and intermediate HDR images if required)
Ready to deal? Contact me!
360 panoramas stitching service. 360 panoramic stitching service
360 panoramas stitching service
You shoots, me stitch.
Outsourcing stitching 360 panoramic images starting from 50 panoramas and from 1 USD per panorama with HDR.
For example:
- you shoots 12 images per one 360 panorama with HDR.
- you have sources files for 50 panoramas
- you sent me GDrive link to archive with 50*12 = 600 (with HDR) or 50*4 = 200 (without HDR) sources images
I will
- HDR every 3 source images (default method with enfuse will be used)
- then stitch every 4 images into 360 panorama
- send you GDrive link to panoramas (ptgui projects and intermediate HDR images if required)
Ready to deal? Contact me!
360 panoramas stitching service. 360 panoramic stitching service 360 panoramas stitching service