GArrows - Google street view navigation style plugin for krpano
Here is GArrows plugin for krpano.
Information about GArrows plugin for Panotour can be found on this page.
Look how GArrows plugin make navigation better. Use right click to change and/or combine navigation styles with chevrons, floating arrow and navigation hotspots.
- GArrows plugin
- GArrows and GTransition plugins
view example in new window
How to install
- Create virtual tour using droplet, for example "MAKE VTOUR (MULTIRES) droplet.bat"
- Add hotspots and link panoramas using tour editor
- Download plugin and copy garrows folder in the virtual tour plugins folder
- At the end of tour.xml file before </krpano> tag insert two lines
- <include url="plugins/garrows/garrows_settings.xml" />
- <include url="plugins/garrows/garrows.xml" />
- Refresh the browser page with a virtual tour, click on the hotspots, check the work of the plugin
Setting up the plugin is performed by editing the garrows_settings.xml file. Here is basic settings:
- navhotspots_style - hotspots with this style will be effected by the plugin
- show_floatingarrow - show\hide floating arrow for different devices
- show_chevrons - show\hide chevrons for different devices
- show_navpoints - show\hide navigation hotspots for different devices
- remove_originalhotspots - remove original hotspots if true
- floatingarrow_position - floating arrow position, can be 'mouse', 'fixed' or 'bottom'. If position is 'fixed' or 'bottom' then floatingarrow_atv value will be used
- floatingarrow_updatedelay and chevrons_updatedelay in seconds. less value is more devouring resources
- chevrons_shape - can be 'chevronshape', 'chevronsmediumshape', 'chevronsbigshape', 'yandexarrowshape', 'lineshape' or your custom shape
There are many plugin setting, but settings above is the main. In addition to the settings of the plugin itself, the krpano settings necessary for the proper operation of the plugin are set in this file. These are loadscene_flags, webvr_gyro_keeplookingdirection and gyro_keeplookingdirection to enable KEEPVIEW modes. An optimal blending effect (blending) of the panoramas is also set when switching from one to another (the loadscene_blend parameter).
By default GArrows replace or clone (depending on remove_originalhotspots value) original krpano hotspots with style="skin_hotspotstyle" attribute to its own navigation elements. If you witsh some of chevrons has vertical direction you need to add verticalchevron="true" to corresponding hotspot.
- set variables garrows_settings.show_chevrons, garrows_settings.show_floatingarrow, garrows_settings.show_navpoints to 'true' or 'false' to enable or disable navigation elements
- call showchevrons() or removechevrons() to show\remove chevrons
- call showfloatingarrow() or removefloatingarrow() to show\remove floating arrow
- call shownavpoints() or removenavpoints() to show\remove navigation hotspots
- call removenavigationelements(hsname) to dynamically remove original hotspot, navigation point and chevron where hsname is original hotspot name
- call garrows_init() to reinit GArrows and recreate navigation elements
Walk-through transition effect plugin
Also you may like GTransition plugin, which add transitional effect in the style of Google/Matterport (walk-through transition effect). You will not need this plugin for krpano v.1.21 and above.
Automatically linking panoramas
Together with the GArrows plugin you can use AutoGArrows - plugin, which makes navigating the tour automatically based on the GPS coordinates of the panoramas.
Have questions?
Ask a question or search for an answer in the official Garrows plugin's group on Facebook. Please PM me with questions about payments and downloads.
Download trial version
Fully functional trial version of the GArrows plugin for krpano v.1.20 or below can be downloaded here
Trial version of the GArrows plugin for krpano v.1.21 and above can be downloaded here
Download full version
GArrows plugin for krpano can be downloaded from Google drive(old version) / Google drive(new version) after donation or from the MyCommerce cloud server instantly after purchase. GArrows plugin version 2.0 or higher is compatible only with krpano 1.21 and above
Purchase GArrows plugin for krpano v.1.21 and above
Contact me via email or by GDrive access request for free upgrade or discount
if you already purchased GArrows and GTransitions plugin(s).
Please send me your payment information (payment email address is enought) or email address
you are using to access GDrive for downloading previously purchased plugins.
60 EUR fixed price
Link to download GArrows plugin for krpano will be provided instantly after purchase
5880 RUR fixed price
Link to download GArrows for krpano will be provided within few days
Purchase GArrows plugin for krpano v.1.20 or below
40 EUR fixed price
Link to download GArrows plugin for krpano will be provided instantly after purchase
3920 RUR fixed price
Link to download GArrows for krpano will be provided within few days
GArrows - Google street view navigation style plugin for krpano
GArrows - Google street view navigation style plugin for krpano
Here is GArrows plugin for krpano.
Information about GArrows plugin for Panotour can be found on this page.
Look how GArrows plugin make navigation better. Use right click to change and/or combine navigation styles with chevrons, floating arrow and navigation hotspots.
- GArrows plugin
- GArrows and GTransition plugins
How to install
- Create virtual tour using droplet, for example "MAKE VTOUR (MULTIRES) droplet.bat"
- Add hotspots and link panoramas using tour editor
- Download plugin and copy garrows folder in the virtual tour plugins folder
- At the end of tour.xml file before </krpano> tag insert two lines
- <include url="plugins/garrows/garrows_settings.xml" />
- <include url="plugins/garrows/garrows.xml" />
- Refresh the browser page with a virtual tour, click on the hotspots, check the work of the plugin
Setting up the plugin is performed by editing the garrows_settings.xml file. Here is basic settings:
- navhotspots_style - hotspots with this style will be effected by the plugin
- show_floatingarrow - show\hide floating arrow for different devices
- show_chevrons - show\hide chevrons for different devices
- show_navpoints - show\hide navigation hotspots for different devices
- remove_originalhotspots - remove original hotspots if true
- floatingarrow_position - floating arrow position, can be 'mouse', 'fixed' or 'bottom'. If position is 'fixed' or 'bottom' then floatingarrow_atv value will be used
- floatingarrow_updatedelay and chevrons_updatedelay in seconds. less value is more devouring resources
- chevrons_shape - can be 'chevronshape', 'chevronsmediumshape', 'chevronsbigshape', 'yandexarrowshape', 'lineshape' or your custom shape
There are many plugin setting, but settings above is the main. In addition to the settings of the plugin itself, the krpano settings necessary for the proper operation of the plugin are set in this file. These are loadscene_flags, webvr_gyro_keeplookingdirection and gyro_keeplookingdirection to enable KEEPVIEW modes. An optimal blending effect (blending) of the panoramas is also set when switching from one to another (the loadscene_blend parameter).
- set variables garrows_settings.show_chevrons, garrows_settings.show_floatingarrow, garrows_settings.show_navpoints to 'true' or 'false' to enable or disable navigation elements
- call showchevrons() or removechevrons() to show\remove chevrons
- call showfloatingarrow() or removefloatingarrow() to show\remove floating arrow
- call shownavpoints() or removenavpoints() to show\remove navigation hotspots
- call removenavigationelements(hsname) to dynamically remove original hotspot, navigation point and chevron where hsname is original hotspot name
- call garrows_init() to reinit GArrows and recreate navigation elements
Walk-through transition effect plugin
Also you may like GTransition plugin, which add transitional effect in the style of Google/Matterport (walk-through transition effect). You will not need this plugin for krpano v.1.21 and above.
Automatically linking panoramas
Together with the GArrows plugin you can use AutoGArrows - plugin, which makes navigating the tour automatically based on the GPS coordinates of the panoramas.
Have questions?
Ask a question or search for an answer in the official Garrows plugin's group on Facebook. Please PM me with questions about payments and downloads.
Download trial version
Fully functional trial version of the GArrows plugin for krpano v.1.20 or below can be downloaded here
Trial version of the GArrows plugin for krpano v.1.21 and above can be downloaded here
Download full version
GArrows plugin for krpano can be downloaded from Google drive(old version) / Google drive(new version) after donation or from the MyCommerce cloud server instantly after purchase. GArrows plugin version 2.0 or higher is compatible only with krpano 1.21 and above
Purchase GArrows plugin for krpano v.1.21 and above
Contact me via email or by GDrive access request for free upgrade or discount if you already purchased GArrows and GTransitions plugin(s). Please send me your payment information (payment email address is enought) or email address you are using to access GDrive for downloading previously purchased plugins.
60 EUR fixed price
Link to download GArrows plugin for krpano will be provided instantly after purchase
5880 RUR fixed price
Link to download GArrows for krpano will be provided within few days
Purchase GArrows plugin for krpano v.1.20 or below
40 EUR fixed price
Link to download GArrows plugin for krpano will be provided instantly after purchase
3920 RUR fixed price
Link to download GArrows for krpano will be provided within few days